
Saturday, May 19, 2012

A preview of things to come

I got quite a few new colors lately and I thought I'd give you a quick preview of things to come. I will of course be doing a full write-up on each of these colors but I had to try them out as soon as I got them!

From left to right: Wonder Beauty Hippie Fest and Crotch Rocket, Zoya Astra and Myrta

A close up of Hippie Fest and Crotch Rocket

A close up of Astra and Myrta

On first glance, I love all these colors. Obviously, since I wasn't going to wear these four different colors like this and was going to be taking them off, I didn't bother to clean them up. I will definitely be doing full manicures of each and voice my opinions. But for now, just a peek!

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